Thanks to the following bloggers below for their writing tips:

1.  Yecheilyah Ysrayl for 10 lessons that she learned from her book signing event:

10 Lessons My Book Signing Taught Me

2.  Book Marketing Buzz for this info for authors about publishers’ PR plans for their book:

3.  Author Marketing Experts for these 50 ways authors can boost their Facebook engagement:

4.  Hugh’s Views & News for these 21 ways to spring clean your blog:

5.  Shelley Wilson with some info for all those attending the Bloggers Bash this year:

#BloggersBash Panel Debate Needs YOU!

6.  Melinda Clayton for these terms you need to know before signing a contract:

7. Glenn Miller for this info about what marketing is:

What Book Marketing Is – and Isn’t

8.  Rachel Poli for these April/May writing submissions:

9.  Derek Haines for these 55 English grammar rules:

55 Funny English Grammar Rules To Help You Write Better

10.  Reedsy for these 50 book marketing ideas:

11.  Mixtus Media for this blog about whether authors should delete Facebook: