Just thought I’d do a little blog while I’ve got the house to myself and let authors know of a free promotional site they might not have come across before.  It’s quite a good one, as authors can add their books to a particular ‘theme’, so that readers perusing the site can see books of a particular genre all in one place.

The site is called iAuthor, and here’s the link to my profile page for you to have a look at.  I’ve added each book to its relevant theme.  Please click on the link to follow me if you so wish!


I’ve only really been active on this site today, but already I’ve had a few followers, some interest, and a sale.  Of course there is the paid advertisement section if anybody wants to go down that route, but I seem to have had moderate success just using the free option.

Maybe I’ll see you there?

Stay cool,

Stevie  x