Christoph’s book ‘Ludwika’ is free for a limited time!


download-10I’ve decided to take advantage of my KDP Select arragement for Ludwika and share her story for a limited time for free. We’re still hoping to connect with more of her relatives in Poland and to learn more about her time in the Dalum Lingen camps. 7d276-12360399_10153067444957132_5703419004838921262_n

Please, download, share and have a merry Christmas / happy holidays!

Ludwika: A Polish Woman’s Struggle To Survive In Nazi Germany
It’s World War II and Ludwika Gierz, a young Polish woman, is forced to leave her family and go to Nazi Germany to work for an SS officer. There, she must walk a tightrope, learning to live as a second-class citizen in a world where one wrong word could 14322418_10153634910882132_6527470197106954044_nspell disaster and every day could be her last. Based on real events, this is a story of hope amid despair, of love amid loss . . . ultimately, it’s one woman’s story…

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