

This is a good one from C.S Lewis regarding friendship:

“Friendship is born at that moment when one person says to another, ‘What! You too? I thought I was the only one.”

It’s true that we cannot choose our family but we can choose our friends. Yes, we tend to opt for friends who are on our wavelength and like doing the same things that we do.  I quickly picked up on the quiet, bookish girls when I was a terrified 13 year old starting in a huge secondary modern girls’ school back in 1971, and naturally gravitated towards them.  We would skip sports and the hated gym, and go sit in the library and read, successfully hiding our favourite books so that nobody else could find them. The loud, in-your-face girls in my class who were evening go-go dancers in pubs never gave me a second glance, and I shied away from them in horror!  The group of  quiet girls are still my friends today.

I have also made many ‘virtual’ writer friends online over the past 4 years.  We are all in this book marketing business together, and I have learned so much from people all over the world whom I have never met.  I first started out in 2013 thinking that all I had to do was write my story, publish it on Amazon, and hey presto, readers would flock to it in droves.


I then had the idea to interview other authors about their books and about their lives, and we struck up an online friendship.  I could ask them questions about marketing, learn a bit more about it, and include their answers in an interview on my website. These authors were then more favourably disposed towards promoting my own books.  I’m not too keen on publishing more than 2 blogs every day, as I work on the assumption that ‘less is more’, but I have made a New Year’s resolution that one of these blogs will always be from a self-published author who I consider a ‘virtual’ friend.

Real friends versus virtual friends?  What do you think?  As far as I’m concerned … it’s all good!