1.  Teagan Berry on ‘A Writer’s Path’ writes about the benefits of Pinterest for authors:


2. Gary Smailes at Bubblecow shows how a novel gets made into a film.


3.  Thanks to Caleb Clayton at Indies Unlimited for this book formatting info:

Our New Book Formatting Resource Page

4.  Here’s 7 book launch lessons from Sacha Black:

7 Book Launch Lessons – #1 Book Marketing Mindset #MondayBlogs

5.  S.T Sanchez on A Writer’s Path gives 5 tips for new writers:


6.  Carrie Rubin tells us why she probably won’t be running another Goodreads Giveaway:


7.  Kendra Elliot on Writer’s Digest gives 6 ways to improve your romantic thriller:


8.  Alison Maruska asks whether female authors should use initials rather than their full name:

Do Women Authors Benefit From Using Initials?

9.  Some writing tips on filter words by Kathy Steinemann on D.G Kaye’s blog:


Thanks to  Chris, the Story Reading Ape, Don Massenzio, Anita Dawes & Jaye Marie, and Kim’s Author Support Blog for the re-blogs.