Have you read these blogs by D.G Kaye?


While I was on break preparing my first novel for republication, I missed several wonderful posts by my lovely friend Debby Gies.  Debby is one of the most supportive authors it is my privilege to know. She writes compelling memoirs and has five outstanding books to her name. Find them HERE.

Debby’s latest memoir, P.S. I Forgive You, was published in October 2016 and has received nothing less than 5-star reviews.

P.S. I Forgive You by D.G. Kaye

Aside from sharing the work of fellow authors, Debby also writes thought-provoking articles and regularly shares helpful tips.  I’d like to share a few of these now. Perhaps you missed them as well. Since I’m still in catch-up mode,  I’m including a few of her later posts.

I hope you enjoy these as much as I have ❤

#Kindness Rocks Project – #WATWB – How it Began – How to Participate

The Story of My Life…

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