1.  Melissa Donovan gives 42 fiction writing tips:

42 Fiction Writing Tips for Novelists

2.  Thanks to Book Marketing Tools for this guide for authors on attracting media attention:

A Step-By-Step Indie Authors Guide for Attracting Media Attention

3.  Megan Morgan answers one of the questions that people ask authors:


4. The Content Fair gives 10 best writing tips from Stephen King:


5.  Thanks to Suzanne Bowditch for these 5 tips to deal with writer’s block:

5 Tips for dealing with Writers Block

6.  Alison Baverstock gives 10 marketing tips for self-published authors:


7.  Myths of the Mirror gives 7 steps to a user-friendly blog:


8.  Don Massenzio writes about the ending of a book:

Endings – How Important Are They?

9.  Rachel Poli gives advice on writing about characters with unique sensory quirks:


10.  Here’s a good one from Libro Editing – irrupt or erupt?

irrupt or erupt?

Thanks to Chris, the Story Reading Ape, Suzanne Bowditch, Retired? No-one Told Me! Don Massenzio, and How To EBook for the re-blogs.