

I’ve enjoyed the summer, but always in the back of my mind has been the knowledge that at the end of August I’d have to undergo an ultrasound scan of my neck to find out if the 30 sessions of radiotherapy had been effective.  The radiation continues working for 3 months after the last dose (which was May 10th), and now the waiting has come to an end.  I’ve had to return from the Isle of Wight especially for the ultrasound, but will be speeding my way back there again on Friday for a week,  whatever the outcome.

This afternoon I set off once again for Addenbrooke’s Hospital, my heart beating a little bit faster than usual.  I knew that if the treatment hadn’t worked then there wasn’t much more the doctors could do, apart from giving me kinase inhibitor tablets, Sorafenib, to take for the rest of my life to try and hold the disease at bay.  Those tablets would give me a list of side-effects as long as my arm.

I hate going to Addenbrooke’s, as nothing good ever seems to happen to me there.  Plus it’s a good hour’s drive for me, and about a 100 mile round trip.  I didn’t want Sam to come with me, just in case the news was bad.  I preferred to deal with it on my own first, before having to tell anybody else.

The gel was put on my neck and the probe started to move from the left to the centre, and then to the right.  I crossed my fingers and toes and hoped for the best.

The scan was clear!

I can hardly believe my good luck at being in remission once again. For the moment I am delighted to be disease-free!  For how long I don’t know, but I’m going to enjoy whatever time I’ve got left, be it two years or twenty.  I’m normal (whatever ‘normal’ is)! I have side-effects from the radiation of a dry mouth and lymph drainage problems, but have no cancer.  The suffering has been worth it!

Can’t wait to get back to the Island and away from hospitals…