No Roundup next Friday as tomorrow I’ll be over on the Island for a whole wonderful week, so make the most of this one!

1.  Helpful links for writers from No Wasted Ink:

2.  Kevin at Books & Music is offering his services as an editor:

3.  Thanks to Erica Verillo for this info on getting your self-published book into libraries:

4.  Thanks to P.H Solomon for these Scrivener tips:

5 Tips to Use Scrivener’s Layout Manager to Guide Your Writing

5.  Guest Jo Furniss on  Daily Write gives 6 tips on finding a literary agent:

Six Tips on finding a Literary Agent, from Bestselling Author Jo Furniss #WriteTip

6.  Guest author Yecheilyah Ysrayl on Dan Alatorre’s blog writes of how she built an ARC team:

Why I Built an ARC Team (and what it is) – Guest Blog Post by Yecheilyah Ysrayl

7.  Guest Dave Chesson  on D.G Kaye’s blog gives some information on outlining a book:

8.  Don Massenzio gives some advice on getting readers to turn the pages:

How do you get readers to turn the pages?

9.  D.E Haggerty asks whether or not we should brag on book covers:

10.  Raine Mendoza on The Write Life explains how she landed a Barnes & Noble book signing event:

Thanks to Chris, the Story Reading Ape, When Angels Fly, Archer’s Aim, and Newauthoronline for the re-blogs.