I must say, I’m pleased to announce that some short stories are beginning to trickle in for my new monthly contest.  With autumn approaching I’m feeling much better and can’t wait to pick the first winner!

Sad to say I had developed an I-can’t-be-bothered-to-write attitude over the summer, and have preferred to spend the weekends visiting the Isle of Wight and my non-working weekdays walking about or sitting reading in the garden.  I’ve been struggling to think up a subject for a new novel, and have been letting too many distractions keep me from sitting down at the computer and starting a new book.

However, I decided that with this new category I’d also share my own short stories every month on each main call-to-arms blog, in order to make myself get back in the habit of writing again.  Hopefully word about the contest will soon get about, and perhaps even more authors will want to take part.  The contest is FREE, and I’ve made a laurel for the winner to add to the end of their story each month.  Here’s the first one:

SHORT STORY LAUREL with website.png

Don’t forget, you’ve got until 25th October to add your link via the blue button below.  I’ll choose the winner on 31st October.

Thanks to those brave souls who have already submitted their lovely stories.  If I can get them through the Smashwords’ meat-grinder I’m thinking that at the end of next year I’ll be able to share the winning stories (with the authors’ permission of course) in a FREE anthology to spread the word even further. What do you think?   Also I will promote one of the winner’s books on my newsletter for the following month.