Thanks to the authors and bloggers below for their useful writing tips:

1.  Laura Peters on how to become a professional author:

How To Become a Professional Author

2.  Rachel Poli for these July / August writing contests:

3.  D.G Kaye has found some useful tips for writers too:

4.  Frances Caballo for this interesting blog regarding the use of social media for selling books:

5.  Derek Haines with this info on Amazon’s ‘hidden’ promotional button:

The Hidden Amazon Book Promotion Kindle Previewer Tool

6.  TCK Publishing for these book promotion sites:

7.  Nicholas C. Rossis on writing a book blurb:

Dos and Don’ts on Writing a Book Blurb

8.  Lauren Reyes Grange on promoting your book on Goodreads:

How to use Goodreads to Promote your Book