My son is 36 today – makes me feel old!

There’s no Friday Roundup next week, as we’re back at the van for a few days.

Many thanks to the authors and bloggers below for their writing/blogging tips:

1.  Rachelle Gardner for these 12 mistakes that authors make in trying to connect with readers:

12 Mistakes Authors Make in Connecting with Readers

2.  Sally Keys on Nicholas C. Rossis’ blog writes of common obstacles that authors might face and how to overcome them:

Overcoming Common Obstacles To Become An Author

3.  Want to try your writing skills in the Senior Salon?  Here’s some info for you.  Look out for the link on Mondays:

4.  Meg Dowell writes on what it means to be an ‘accomplished’ writer:

What Does It Mean to Be an “Accomplished” Writer?

5.  Marketing for Pros gives reasons and solutions why bloggers struggle:

6.  Dave Chesson at Kindlepreneur gives advice on making an audio book:

How To Make An Audiobook: Publishing on ACX and Audiobook Marketing

7.  Nicholas C. Rossis with 4 marketing strategies for promoting your book:

4 Simple Marketing Strategies for Promoting Your Book

8.  Nail Your Novel speaks out about book piracy:

A plea to authors – please speak out about piracy

9.  Mixtus Media with 10 book marketing mistakes:

10.  Dan Cross gives some advice on pitching a book blogger for a review: