Thanks to the following authors and bloggers for their information for writers:

1.  Melissa Chan on creating book merchandise:

2.  Emily Harstone for these publishers open to submissions:

25 Publishers Always Open to New Submissions

3.  Hugh’s Views & News for these 5 ways to save time when blogging, and 7 ways to get more readers to your blog:

4.  Meg Dowell for 15 things that probably won’t improve your writing:

15 Things That Probably Won’t Actually Improve Your Writing

5.  Kathy Steinemann on deleted book reviews and waning KENP income:

6.  John Mulindi writes about Grammarly and blogging:

Reasons why Grammarly is the best tool for Bloggers

7.  Jean M. Cogdell gives advice on how to make writing in the first person easier:

How to make writing in first-person easier

8.  Jenny in Neverland gives advice on what to do before publishing a blog: