This week the topic is:  ‘Share your writing goals for 2019.’


I’ve read many blogs recently where New Year writing resolutions/ goals are made.  However, I wonder if that is a good thing to do?  The majority of us do not earn our living writing novels, and ‘Life’ has a habit of getting in the way and stealing valuable writing time.

Professional authors with one of the big 5 publishers generally receive large advances, which usually go hand-in-hand with needing to meet writing deadlines.  In my humble opinion it would surely be these people who would need to state their writing goals for 2019, and not the average self-published author.

Deadlines to me means … stress. What’s the point of me setting goals and stressing myself out?  That would only take all the fun out of writing, and for me the best bit is NOT having to meet deadlines!  I write when I want to.  Sometimes I don’t write a thing for weeks, and other times I’m tapping away for hours like the clappers.  Being forced to write to meet a deadline kills any creativity as far as I’m concerned.

What do other blog-hoppers think?  Click on the blue button below to find out…

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3. Promise to visit/leave a comment on all participants’ blogs.
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5. Put a banner on your blog that you are participating.