One of my favourite things in life is to go out walking early in the morning when nobody else is about, especially here on the Isle of  Wight.  There’s a long, twisting path that runs from our holiday site to the next bay, and every morning when the sun comes out I cannot help but follow it down to the sea.  As I walked along yesterday morning I thought up the poem below. When I return home next week and Sam gets the picture I took of the path off my phone, I’ll add it on here for you.  For now I’ve added a featured image of something similar.

What If?  by Stevie Turner

A long path meanders

Through leafless trees

Down to the sea.

A gentle breeze

Whispers to me.

I follow the path

In the early morning sun,

Will I be safe?

Will I need to run?

Whose mouth will break into an evil laugh –

When they see me walking

On that lonesome path?

I hear the gulls

As the sea draws near.

Just one old man and his dog

On the path had appeared.

It occurred to me

As I reached the beach,

What lesson this walk

To us all could teach.

If we worry, imagine,

Catastrophise and fret,

No pleasure from life

Will we ever hope to get.

I sat happily on the beach

And watched the waves ebb and flow

And walked back along the path

When it was time to go.

Nothing occurred.

No woe was me – I was not undone,

When enjoying my walk

In the early morning sun.