An interesting blog here regarding competition in schools. I’m of the opinion that children should be rewarded for something done well or for winning a race. No child can be good at everything, and even if children are not good at running (I was hopeless at this as a kid), they might be academic and can win merits for good work. Even if they’re not academic, they can be rewarded for good behaviour. Everybody reacts well to praise.

When I’ve visited my grandchildren’s schools for Sports Day, I do not agree with all children receiving a medal even if they’ve come in last in a race. Winners should be rewarded, and perhaps kids who are not good at running are good at something else they can be given merit for. They have to learn that you cannot always win in life.

The Strawberry Post

Competition has always been something in schools and also in life.  From a young age children are exposed to the idea that it’s good and even healthy to have a little competition in their daily lives.  Schools encourage competition through sports, contests at schools, and pitting kids against each other to see who will get the best exam results or the most stars at the end of the term.  Competitiveness is something that is always encouraged by governments and many people as being good for self-esteem and an important thing to get used to as competition exists in the workplace.  But is it really such a good idea to have competition at schools and what happens if some kids never get to the top of the class?

How competition starts in schools

I grew up in the UK state education system.  I went to an average primary school and an…

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