Easter’s over now and I’m into week 4 of radiotherapy.  Hair at the back of my head has fallen out – enough to stuff a cushion.  However, as I had an abundance of hair to begin with, luckily not many people can tell the difference.   My appetite is reduced as everything tastes salty, and my throat is permanently sore.  I have to take anti-sickness medication and tablets for pain, but I keep telling myself that it’s all temporary.

Sam and I had a lovely break on the Isle of Wight.  I must admit I didn’t do much – just sitting outside on the decking while Sam did some little repair jobs to bring our holiday home up to his exacting standards.  We had some nice walks down to the beach and along the seafront.  The holiday park is beginning to fill up for the summer season, but our place is tucked away under the trees right at the back of the park, and so we have peace and quiet.  It’s lovely at night to lay in bed and listen to the sea – very soothing!

What with my mother’s final decline and death, the cruise, the new holiday home and now the radiotherapy, this year is proving to be the most eventful year of my life I think.  But there’s more… when I returned from the Island on Sunday and checked my emails there was one from the Depth of Field International Film Festival (DOFIFF) giving me contact details and inviting me to send my screenplay of ‘For the Sake of a Child’ to an L.A based independent film finance, development and production company for reading, which focuses on feature length film projects starring A-list Hollywood talent!  I had entered it into the DOFIFF contest earlier in the year, and to my delight it won a silver award.  Of course I sent it off pretty sharpish, and now await the outcome…

I wonder what life is going to throw at me next?

I’m not blogging much now as I’m tired quite a lot of the time, so just for your information my psychological thriller ‘Repent at Leisure’ will be FREE on Amazon from Thursday 20th April – Tuesday 25th April.  It recently won third prize in the 2016` Drunken Druid International Book Awards contest: https://www.drunkendruidawards.com/blog

Stevie Repent
