I thought I wouldn’t have time to do any more reviews this year, but due to having a lack of Internet yesterday afternoon for a couple of hours, I did that real old-fashioned thing while the BT engineer was running about like a headless chicken …


Yes, I finished D.G Kaye’s book Twenty Years: After “I Do”: Reflections on Love and Changes Through Aging.  Here’s my review below of this recommended 5 star read:

Amazon Book Blurb:

In this personal accounting, D.G. Kaye shares the insights and wisdom she has accrued through twenty years of keeping her marriage strong and thriving despite the everyday changes and challenges of aging. Kaye reveals how a little creative planning, acceptance, and unconditional love can create a bond no obstacle will break. Kaye’s stories are informative, inspiring, and a testament to love eclipsing all when two people understand, respect, and honor their vows. She adds that a daily sprinkling of laughter is a staple in nourishing a healthy marriage.

Twenty years began with a promise. As Kaye recounts what transpired within that time, she shows that true love has no limits, even when one spouse ages ahead of the other.


Worldwide Purchase Link

Stevie’s Review:

D.G Kaye bares her innermost thoughts and feelings after 20 years of marriage to her soul mate Gordon, a man 20 years her senior.  Gordon is suffering the effects of ageing and the aftermath of prostate cancer treatment.

The author writes with some candour in this short but informative self-help/memoir of several mindfulness strategies she employs to keep her marriage as fresh as the day she said “I do”.  These strategies can be used by any couple regardless of their ages, and indeed I aim to take a leaf out of this book to aid my own 37 year marriage!

It is a treat to read of the author’s successful marriage, despite her initial doubts (due to Gordon’s age) at the start of the relationship plus many hardships and health scares of both parties along the way.  D.G Kaye and her husband laugh a lot, look after each other, and take heed of their marriage vows.  Many younger couples could learn from this recommended 5 star read.

Connect with D.G Kaye:

Author, https://www.amazon.com/author/dgkaye7

Email: d.g.kaye.writer@gmail.com
Website: http://www.dgkayewriter.com
Wiseintro: wiseintro.co/dgkaye7