Let’s start with the good news.  In my opinion here are a few marketing ideas / promotions which might help your book to sell better:

1.  BookBub promotions:

Yes they are expensive, but most authors who get accepted do notice a rise in their book’s ranking.  The trick is to get accepted in the first place – I’m still trying!

2.  Guest posting on more popular blogs:

Check out the more popular blogs that accept guest posts and write some good content.  Your own blog’s site will feature all your books somewhere on the side bars I expect, so there’s no need to keep mentioning them.

3.  Winning a reputable writing competition:

You can gain some kudos by doing this, and thereby win followers who will check out your books because they are interested.

4.  Give one book away free on Draft2Digital:

If one book is free on Draft2Digital it then becomes free on many popular digital sales channels.  People will download your work because it’s free, and they may then be interested enough to check out your other books.

5.  Gaining good reviews on Netgalley:

These are honest reviews not given by family, friends or by any other authors you’ve agreed to swap reviews with.  They will stand you in good stead in the long run.

6.  Write good content for your blog that people will want to read:

This includes making sure the spelling and grammar are correct.  Nothing puts me off sooner than a blog full of mistakes and bad English.

7.  Add a couple of chapters on Goodreads.

I’ve had lots of interest in my work this way.


Okay, so here’s a few more that are not worth getting out of bed for:

1.  Cover reveals:

Who cares?  Readers want to be enthralled by words, not the cover.  Nothing puts me off more than an invite to yet another cover reveal.

2.  Continually spamming social media with ‘Buy my book’ messages:

Again, who cares?  Twittering and Facebooking ad nauseam makes a huge spam sandwich that nobody wants to eat.

3.  Blog tours:

You might gain more interest in your book from a tired sloth with a full belly.

4.  Launch parties:

Don’t bother, because everyone suddenly finds an excuse not to be at the party.  You’re the only one there and you spend all night talking to yourself.

5.  Constantly sending out messages for people to subscribe to your website:

Just make the form available.  They’ll subscribe if they’re interested.  If they do this voluntarily, then they’re less likely to unsubscribe.

6.  Signing with a small publisher who asks for ‘set-up fees’:

They’re trying to make a profit, and a part of your royalties, dear author, is the answer to their dreams!

Can you think of any more?  If so, please let me know!