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February 14, 2019, prompt: In 99 words (no more, no less) write a story about valentines. It can be Valentine’s Day, the exchange, love for another, romance, or friendship. Have a heart and go where the prompt leads!

Here’s my effort below, entitled ’12 Red Roses’.  Last week Sam actually did fly to Perth on Monday and then returned on Thursday….


“See ya …

I’m off to Australia.”

On Monday he flew

From Heathrow, terminal two.

I wondered whether he may

Forget about Valentine’s Day.

In the world of business,

There’s no time for flowers or kisses.

On Thursday, my man

Carried a bouquet in his hand.

Twelve roses there were

As he stood at the door.

He looked rather seedy behind the flowers,

As he’d been on a plane for 17 hours.

Said he as he held out a card,

“This week I’ve worked hard,

But I knew if I’d forgotten these roses,

My balls you would have decompos’ed.”