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This is my effort for this week’s Carrot Ranch 99-word Flash Fiction Challenge.  The topic is ‘Trees’, so I’ve written a poem about my pet peeve of people chopping down trees just because it’s Christmas…

Trimming the Tree, by Stevie Turner

On Christmas Eve I watched
As the pine was chopped down.
His children danced
When the tree hit the ground.

No roots to sustain it,
He placed it in a bucket.
Gaudy trash on its branches and lots of fuss
Because it was Christmas.

No matter it was dying
In a hot stuffy room,
Its needles fell off
It was butt naked real soon.

Then 6th January comes,
It’s shredded without ceremony.
The commercialism’s phoney
And somehow unholy.

That tree could have given
Four people some oxygen,
Next day he’ll start to rabbit
About trying to ‘save’ the planet!