
Welcome to another blog hop. Today’s topic is:

Ghost writers. Let’s talk about the good, the bad, and the ugly.

I’m no expert in this field, but all I do know is that I don’t agree with it. Almost every famous actor/’celebrity’ (sometimes even royalty) can find the time in their busy lives to bash out a book or a series of books. Agents no doubt all vie to represent these celebrities, as the authors are well known and therefore they know the books will sell in their thousands or even millions.

However, has the celebrity really written their book? They have given an outline to a ghost writer who will write it for them, and so hey, surely the ghost writer is the author? Hmm…

Over the past few years I have watched a TV programme of a sheep farming husband and wife who live in Yorkshire and have 9 children. They are busy from dawn to dusk looking after their family and the hundreds of sheep roaming over their many acres of land, and due to the TV programme they have become quite well known (their eldest son now has a TV programme of his own). Therefore, how on earth does the wife find time to sit down and write a series of books about their lives as well as doing everything else? Maybe she dictates to a ghost writer in-between shearing sheep, looking for lost sheep, or cooking for her large brood. Who knows? All I do know is that surprise, surprise, she has had no difficulty in finding a literary agent.

Celebrities know they can pass over the hard work of writing a book to a ghost writer, and it will sell even if they have not personally written it. That doesn’t seem right to me – it should be the ghost writer who collects all the royalties. He or she has sat burning the candle at both ends to make money for the celebrity and the agent, who are both probably already millionaires, but how much money do the real authors themselves earn for such an endeavour? I suspect not as much as the celebrity or agent. It doesn’t seem fair to me, but then again a lot of things in this world aren’t fair where money is concerned.

Let’s see what other blog-hoppers have to say regarding ghost writers:


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