I have to say, like, that I really have a few pet peeves, like. Why is it that people now cannot talk more than a few words without the word ‘like’ finding its insidious way into any conversation? Is it the dubious influence of, like, TV sitcoms/reality shows/celebrities? I fear the young of today are, like, being led astray by, like, social media influencers who can hardly string two words together without, like, saying ‘like’ whether they, like, like something or, like, don’t like it. All this liking is confusing to an old girl like me, like, who, like, tries, like, to only like a thing if she, like, actually likes it.

Here’s another, like. Why does everyone now talk in, like, acronyms? TBH, IDRC if u have a FOMO wen u, like, need to be surgically removed from yr, like, phone. I’m SMH at, like, yr inability to concentrate. YSK that IMHO mobile phones should be banned for under 16’s. DAE agree? HMU.

Here’s the last peeve, like. Why do teenage girls all look like they’ve been hit on the lips with, like, a shovel (like)? LOL.

What’s yr, like, pet peeves?