

Welcome to another blog hop. Today’s topic is given below:

What determines whether or not you finish a book you’re reading? Do you review books you didn’t finish?

If I see a book description I like the look of and the price is right, then I’ll add it to my Kindle. Reviews are subjective and so I don’t take too much notice of these, as there’ll always be 5 star and 1 star reviews of the same book. As I start to read, several things will turn me off wanting to read it to the end:

  1. Bad grammar and spelling.
  2. Too many repeated words.
  3. Too many adverbs.
  4. A stagnated plot or a plot that is too long-drawn out and takes ages to move forward.
  5. Too much description in order to eke out the word count.
  6. Too graphic: Too much sex, swearing and violence.
  7. The book is so boring that I don’t really care what happens in the end.

I will keep reading a book to the end and review it if:

  1. The book is not too long.
  2. The plot moves along at a good pace.
  3. I am interested enough to keep turning the pages to find out ‘whodunnit’.
  4. Not too much fluff and shite added simply to increase the word count.
  5. The book is well written, in my preferred genres (psychological thrillers, memoirs, autobiographies and family sagas), and especially if it’s witty.
  6. If I am interested in the subject, especially when it comes to memoirs and autobiographies.

When I first started out as an author, I had an ‘abandoned’ shelf on Goodreads for the books I couldn’t get on with and didn’t finish. I haven’t added any books to it for several years now, as most of the authors contacted me. Some, especially one of them, were quite nasty that their book had been added to the shelf. However, in my opinion they had all been added for some dire reason, but hey, I didn’t want the backlash anymore. I just decided instead not to review any books I didn’t like or didn’t finish. Authors will know I liked their book because they’ll always see my review either on Goodreads or Amazon.

What to other blog hoppers do regarding finishing a book and reviewing it? Please click on the blue button to find out, or just leave a comment. Thanks.


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  3. Promise to visit/leave a comment on all participants’ blogs.
  4. Tweet/or share each person’s blog post. Use #OpenBook when tweeting.
  5. Put a banner on your blog that you are participating.

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