Once again Clive’s post last week got me thinking……


Over the past few years I have been reading and reviewing quite a few books written by fellow Indie authors from the USA.  I must admit that although we share the same language I’ve found that on quite a few occasions I’ve had no idea what some of the words mean.  This has caused me to have to ask my American friends to elaborate on some of the more difficult ones for us Brits, which I have mentioned below along with a couple of others I’ve just come across, and one in particular which caused unbridled hilarity while I was on holiday in Canada.

Fanny pack:  Over here in the UK I daren’t say what this phrase conjures up to us Brits.  Suffice to say it would only be used by ladies of childbearing age…..

Converse:  I found out this is a type of shoe.  Thanks for that!

Dreamsicle:  What’s this?  I haven’t got around to asking about this one yet.

Dolly:  Over here it’s a girl’s toy, but not sure what it is in the US.  Can anybody help please?

Tooting:  When in Canada in 2013 I mentioned to our host and hostess that we used to live in Tooting, South West London.  I don’t know about the USA, but in Canada ‘tooting’ is apparently another name for flatulence!  The ice was surely broken right there and then….

Durex:  Another cause for a laugh.  I’m not sure about the USA, but over here in the UK it’s a contraceptive.  When I worked with an Australian nurse she told me that  Durex is another name for Sellotape in Australia. So Brits, please don’t ask for a pack of 3 Durex in Australia – the results might be rather alarming….

Americans, here’s your chance now.  Are there any UK words which have you stumped as to their meaning?  Rattle them off, and I’ll do my best to provide the answers!