
This week we’re imagining that we can step into the world of one of our novels and interview the characters.  What would we ask them? What would they say?

I thought about this one long and hard, and decided to interview Arla Deane, the character from my novel ‘The Daughter-in-law Syndrome’.



Stevie:  Hello Arla.  I’d like to ask you about your mother-in-law and your daughter-in-law  today.

Arla (grinning): Oh dear; well – if you must!

Stevie: What is it about grown men and their mothers?

Arla: I don’t know, but it seems that my husband Ric will go out of his way not to displease his mother Edna.  He tells her exactly what he knows she wants to hear, which is not necessarily what he should be telling her.

Stevie: What about his own mother-in-law?

Arla: He’s always been jealous of the relationship I have with my own mum; I think he just wants to keep me all to himself.

Stevie:  I hear you both went for counselling.  Did it do any good?

Arla:  It got us talking a bit more, but at the end of the day Ric will always be Ric.  I don’t think he’s ever going to change.  When Edna’s with us I feel second best.

Stevie: Do you think there may be a cause to his behaviour?

Arla: I think there’s a reason why he’s like it, but in all our thirty years of marriage I have never found out what it is.  He just clams up or changes the subject.

Stevie:  Does Edna like you?

Arla: She’s only ever tolerated me.  I’m afraid I gave up trying to please her years ago.

Stevie: Do you get on with your own daughter-in-law?

Arla:  Ria and Stuart aren’t married yet, so she’s technically not my daughter-in-law.  She seems all out for an easy life to me; have babies and then give up her supermarket assistant job and live off Stuart.

Stevie: Oh. Are they happy?

Arla:  Deliriously so.  It’s strange, but we always wanted the exact opposite for Stuart; a smart, career wife who’d be an asset to him.  It must be all the sex; he might change his mind in a few months.

Stevie: We can’t interfere with our children’s choice of partner, much as we would like.  Is Ria pleasant to you?

Arla:  Yes, she’s invited Ric and I to Sunday lunch.  I can see she’s really trying to get to know us.

Stevie:  Wait and see then.  You may be amazed.

Arla (sighing): I certainly hope so.

Stevie:  I have an inkling that quite a big surprise is coming your way in regards to Ric, Ria and Edna.  How do you feel about that?

Arla: Bring it on!  I’ve waited thirty years for it!

If you’d like to find out what happens to Arla, please click on the BookShowMe link above in order to obtain a copy of ‘The Daughter-in-law Syndrome’.

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