Hi all, this week’s topic is:

What would be the hardest thing for you to give up?

Well, for me that’s easy. I would be in dire straits if the water supply was contaminated. This is because my salivary glands are shot through from undergoing extensive radiotherapy back in 2017, and I have to sip water at regular intervals throughout the day or suffer with a terribly dry mouth.

Those of you who have perfectly working salivary glands – be thankful and don’t take them for granted. Without them it’s impossible to talk properly or eat anything (I have to eat and sip water at the same time). I have a bottle of water with me wherever I go, as I dislike intensely any fruit squashes, cola or anything sweet. I only ever drink water or green tea/lemon and ginger tea, but as the latter two are made with water then I’d have to endure not having anything to drink at all. I could drink the odd whisky and ginger, but only the one as I have to be in control of my senses at all times!

I’m not whinging or whining here – I’m happy to be alive after surviving stage 4 advanced thyroid cancer, but the treatment of this type of cancer has unfortunate side-effects. One of them is dry and sore eyes, and the other one is that you have to get used to having no saliva.

Hey ho, I’m used to it now. Just don’t take away my bottle of water…

The other thing that would be hard for me to give up is my caravan on the Isle of Wight. It’s my holiday home and the place where I love to be. It’s all drained down for winter now and the park is closed for lockdown, but I’ll be back as soon as ever I can…

First photo of the van without the new decking
We now have some new decking at the side
And some solar lights at the front

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