Last night I watched an unusual film. Unusual because for the entire film there was a total absence of background noise, and especially no ‘whooshes‘. To my delight there was just conversation. Whooshes seem a part and parcel of every film these days, and they annoy me greatly.

However, ‘Mass‘ was one of those different, quirky films that I love to watch when Sam is out. Yes, Sam is at this moment flying to Minneapolis for a week, leaving Stevie to catch up on all the films on our planner that she has been saving for such an occasion.

The venue for the conversation is a room in a church. There is much preparation of the room at the start of the film for the two married couples who will sit at a table and talk through their differences. We don’t know what has gone on with the two couples to start with, but it becomes apparent as the film progresses. I won’t disclose any spoilers, and so you will have to watch the film and find out for yourselves.

There is an awkwardness between the couples at the start; each one trying to be polite and make small talk. As time goes on the real reason for their meeting becomes obvious. Anger flares from one couple, and contrition/guilt from the other couple due to the tragedy that befell all four of them.

Sam would have been yawning, looking at his phone, or would have fallen asleep out of boredom. Not so for Stevie, who sat enthralled throughout. Nice film, albeit a tad depressing, especially if you don’t like whooshes.

P.S: Nice hymn at the end too – ‘Blest be the Ties that Bind‘. I like the sound of gospel choirs.