Today the Bank of England’s Chief Economist, Huw Pill, has urged us all to accept that we are poorer now. If you remember, his colleague, the Bank of England Governor Andrew Bailey, has been trying to get inflation under control and recently told everyone not to ask for a pay rise. Postal workers, civil servants, nurses, doctors, physiotherapists and train drivers to name but a few did not listen, and there have been countless strikes for more pay.

These two Bank of England employees are on 6 figure salaries, and yes, they’re all right Jack because they are richer now. Meanwhile millions of people not on six figure salaries are feeling the pinch, and some have had to resort to food banks to feed their families.

This problem will not go away because on the whole people are not working for the common good; they are more concerned with how much money they have in their own bank accounts. They need to put food on the table and so will ask for a pay rise if they cannot afford to buy simple groceries. Yes, this will fuel inflation even further, but perhaps Mr Pill and Mr Bailey might be able to understand ordinary people a little bit more if they forego their inflation-busting salaries for a few years and instead try to live on the average annual salary of £29,600.

The same me first problem can be attributed to climate change. Coal miners will continue digging for coal around the world because it’s their livelihood. The Amazon rainforest will continue to be depleted because people earn money from cutting down trees. The world will continue to become warmer. Nobody is going to work for the common good if their own children are going hungry.

That’s my little rant over with today anyway.