Thanks Jean, this is useful information!

Jean's Writing

Wow and what fun!

Some of these generating tools are familiar, but some are new. Well, new to me.

Choose from Games, Exercises, Techniques or Poetry. Language Virus is a website with something to fit everyone’s need.

Beware! That sucking sound is the black hole of fun you may find yourself in once you begin clicking.


My favorite was the Poem Generator. Hmm, wait a minute there are more than one of those too.  Who knows, I may be a poet but don’t know it. LOL

Struggling with your book title? 

Or do you love the classics? 


bird-1295870_1280Want to learn to write Haiku?

Maybe you would like to write about Fae?


Or maybe you’re a visual person. So how about inspiration from my favorite…

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