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There are 75 new releases in October featuring General Fiction, Romance, Sci-Fi and Fantasy. You can check them all out by clicking on this link: https://books.bookfunnel.com/oglingoctober/zf3u213q03

My new release, Barren, comes under the genre of General Fiction, and was published on 1st October. It will be just $0.99/£0.99 until the end of October.

Esme Jones and husband Aron have completed their family and have twin sons Jared and James. Esme’s older sister Eden Reece is desperate for a child, but a hysterectomy has put paid to any chance of her becoming a parent. When Esme offers herself as a surrogate, Eden and husband Billy are delighted. However, when Esme notices the first fluttering of life inside her and a scan reveals that she is carrying a girl, both sisters are not prepared for the outcome which threatens to tear the fabric of the whole extended family apart.