Welcome to this week’s blog hop. Today the topic is:

Have you experienced or witnessed genre shaming, where readers/authors degrade a genre? If so, how do you deal with it?

People all have different preferences when it comes to reading genres, and as an author I too prefer to write (and also read) in certain genres. I’m a realist, and enjoy writing about real-life situations. If there’s a true story or a fantasy novel to choose from for my bedtime reading, it’s a cert that I’ll pick the former.

However, that doesn’t mean that fantasy stories are not entertaining. They are, for those who prefer to read them over say, women’s fiction, crime, thrillers or romance novels. Readers and authors should not denigrate those genres they dislike, but unfortunately some of them do. An author who has taken time and trouble to create a novel of any genre should feel proud of their work. They need to know that somewhere on this earth are readers who will appreciate their efforts.

Any genre shaming where readers openly trash a novel just because they dislike the genre should be reported. Other than that it’s best to ignore the rantings of the ignorant, and to also ignore trolls on Goodreads who trash a book they probably haven’t even read just for the sake of it. They wait for a comment from the author to continue their tirade, but please … don’t give them the satisfaction.

Fortunately I’ve never experienced genre shaming (and believe me, I do write about unusual subjects!), but I know some authors who have. It’s not pleasant, but it’s best for them to think along the lines of genres being subjective and to feel buoyed by the thought that there’s no right and no wrong when it comes to reading matter.

Have you witnessed genre shaming? If so, please add your blog to this one using the blue button below, or just leave a comment. Thanks.


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