I will reply to any comments next week, as very soon I will be off to Manchester for my first book signing!  Until then, enjoy these links to some interesting blogs:

1.   I would love it if Pearsnotparsnips wrote a recipe book –  I would be the first one to buy it!


2 Thanks to Rachel Ritchey for guiding us through this basic CreateSpace set-up process:


3.  Here’s Hugh’s Views and News with 5 recommended blogs:


4.  Wise words from Roberta Pimentel on how to increase traffic to your blog:


5.  Thanks to World of Horror for these 10 writing tips:

Ten writing tips

6.  Thanks again to Roberta Pimentel for this info on gaining more readers through Gravatar:


7.  Good advice from Sacha Black on how to find your readers:

9 Ways to Help You Find Your Readers Part I

8.  10 eye-opening tips by Nail Your Novel to add impact to your storytelling:

10 eye-opening tips to add impact to your storytelling

9.  5 techniques to edit a novel, by Rachel Poli:


10.  Thanks to Holly Evans for this blog on choosing promotional e-book sites:


11.  Thanks to Martin Crosbie of Indies Unlimited for these 5 social media engagement tips:


12.  Thanks to A Writer’s Path for these 7 reasons why your novel might be a short story:

7 Reasons Your Novel Might Be a Short Story (And How to Fix Them)

13.  Self-publishing news from The Book Designer:


14.  Good advice from Book in a Box on how to get onto the bestseller lists:


Thanks to Chris, the Story Reading Ape, Tina Frisco, Anita Dawes & Jaye Marie, and Don Massenzio for the re-blogs.