Can anybody else come up with some more gobbledygookisms?

Chronicles of an Orange-Haired Woman!

This morning, I welcome Stevie Turner onto this site. Author and blogger, she can be found via the three links below:


Amazon page


We all suffer from the impenetrable nonsense that is jargon, don’t we? In this piece, Stevie flags up a universal gripe most articulately and amusingly. Enjoy! Grind your teeth in sympathy! Visit her site for more!


‘Income may be derived by either the entity receiving the item of income or by the interest holders in the entity or, in certain circumstances, both. An item of income paid to an entity is considered to be derived by the entity only if the entity is not fiscally transparent under the laws of the entity’s jurisdiction with respect to the item of income’.

Isn’t it wonderful!  However, what does it all mean?  I’m trying to work it out as I trudge my way…

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