This week I’ve found a quote from the late British novelist Sir Terry Pratchett:

‘It’s not worth doing something unless someone, somewhere, would much rather you weren’t doing it.’

It’s the old ‘rules are made to be broken’ thing, which of course causes much excitement when you’re in the middle of breaking one of them.  In these days of ‘Elf & Safety’ though, the list of rules forbidding you doing anything are becoming longer and longer and harder to ignore.

However, have you ever experienced the thrill of breaking a known rule?  I must admit I can remember one or two episodes as an adventurous 12 year old involving Woolworth’s Pick ‘n Mix display and an apple tree in a farmer’s field, but hey…

Sam deliberately goes out of his way to ignore rules when he thinks they smack too much of the nanny state, but then he always was a bit of a rebel.  Me, I don’t even eat Pick ‘n Mix sweets these days…